9478 5000 |
Common Entrance Exams 入學試 課程 |
課程特點 |
- 針對考生考入名校必修課程,考獲佳績事半功倍
- 針對考生 (Year 7- 12) 熟習考試模式,操練入學試卷
- 本會無數學生於課程協助下, 成功考入:Westminster School, Sevenoaks School, Charterhouse School, Tonbridge School, Harrow School, St. Swithun' s School, Badminton School, Cheltenham Ladies' College, St. Paul' s School, Warwick School, City of London Freemen' s School, Eton College, Concord College, Dulwich College, Epsom College etc.
適合年齡 |
- 適合 應考名校 Year 7 - 12 考生
- 適合 英國應考生
師資優良 |
- 資深導師畢業於英國, 美國, 澳洲等一流大學
- 導師詳細掌握各項 CEE 入學試竅門,教學經驗豐富
- 導師藉過往試卷操練學生不同學科的答題技巧
上課日期 |
- Academic Term: Mon-Fri 16.30-19.00, Sat 10.00-18.00
- Summer Term: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00
- 詳情請聯絡 852-2735 7268 或 9478 5000
教學大綱 |
- 專業分析題目
- 掌握答題技巧
- 重點答案分析
- 歷屆試題操練
考試範圍 |
- Languages: English, ESL, EAL, EFL, English Literature etc.
- Physical Science: Maths, Additional Maths, Physics, Computing etc.
- Biological Science: Biology, Chemistry, Science etc.
- Business Science: Economics, Accounting, Business, Law etc.
- Social Science: Geography, History, Religion, Psychology etc.
考試局 |
課程特點 |
- 針對考生考入英國名校面試必修課程,事半功倍!
- 針對考生 (Year 7- 12) 操練面試技巧
- 詳細掌握名校面試竅門, 分析面試形式及評核要求
- 本會無數學生 於課程協助下, 成功考入:
- Westminster School, Sevenoaks School, Charterhouse School, Tonbridge School, Harrow School, St. Swithun' s School, Badminton School, Cheltenham Ladies' College, St. Paul' s School, Warwick School, City of London Freemen' s School, Eton College, Concord College, Dulwich College, Epsom College etc.
適合年齡 |
- 適合 應考名校 Year 7 - 12 考生
- 適合 英國應考生
- 本會名校生原校
師資優良 |
- 資深導師畢業於英國, 美國, 澳洲等一流大學
- 導師對各項入學試竅門準瞭如指掌,教學經驗豐富
- 導師藉過往試卷操練學生不同學科的答題技巧
上課日期 |
- Academic Term: Mon-Fri 16.30-19.00, Sat 10.00-18.00
- Summer Term: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00
- 詳情請聯絡 852-2735 7268 或 9478 5000
教學大綱 |
Common Entrance Exams 入學試 課程 |
課程特點 |
- 針對考生考入名校必修課程,考獲佳績事半功倍
- 針對考生 (Year 7- 12) 熟習考試模式,操練入學試卷
- 本會無數學生於課程協助下, 成功考入:Westminster School, Sevenoaks School, Charterhouse School, Tonbridge School, Harrow School, St. Swithun' s School, Badminton School, Cheltenham Ladies' College, St. Paul' s School, Warwick School, City of London Freemen' s School, Eton College, Concord College, Dulwich College, Epsom College etc.
適合年齡 |
- 適合 應考名校 Year 7 - 12 考生
- 適合 英國應考生
師資優良 |
- 資深導師畢業於英國, 美國, 澳洲等一流大學
- 導師詳細掌握各項 CEE 入學試竅門,教學經驗豐富
- 導師藉過往試卷操練學生不同學科的答題技巧
上課日期 |
- Academic Term: Mon-Fri 16.30-19.00, Sat 10.00-18.00
- Summer Term: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00
- 詳情請聯絡 852-2735 7268 或 9478 5000
教學大綱 |
- 專業分析題目
- 掌握答題技巧
- 重點答案分析
- 歷屆試題操練
考試範圍 |
- Languages: English, ESL, EAL, EFL, English Literature etc.
- Physical Science: Maths, Additional Maths, Physics, Computing etc.
- Biological Science: Biology, Chemistry, Science etc.
- Business Science: Economics, Accounting, Business, Law etc.
- Social Science: Geography, History, Religion, Psychology etc.
考試局 |
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