Courses 中文      9478 5000     


Common Entrance Exams 入學試課程
Course Features
  • Prepare students for entering into prestigious schools
  • Drilling CEE entrance exam papers
  • With the help of the course, our students successfully enter into top schools:Westminster School, Sevenoaks School, Charterhouse School, Tonbridge School, Harrow School, St. Swithun' s School, Badminton School, Cheltenham Ladies' College, St. Paul' s School, Warwick School, City of London Freemen' s School, Eton College, Concord College, Dulwich College, Epsom College etc.
Suitable for
  • Students who intend to enter into UK independent schools (Year 7-12)
  • Students who intend to enter into international schools (Year 7-12/ Grade 6-12)
A* Instructors
  • Experienced instructors graduate from prestigious schools in UK, America, Australia, etc.
  • Instructors grasp the tips and techniques of CEE, with rich teaching experiences
  • Helps master exam skills and techniques through drilling past papers
Course Schedule
  • Academic Term: Mon-Fri 16.30-19.00, Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Summer Term: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Pls contact 852-2735 7268 or 9478 5000 to check for schedule
Course Outline
  • Drilling past papers
  • Mastering exam tips and techniques
  • Analyzing exam-type questions & answers
Exam Syllabus
  • Languages: English, ESL, EAL, EFL, English Literature etc.
  • Physical Science: Maths, Additional Maths, Physics, Computing etc.
  • Biological Science: Biology, Chemistry, Science etc.
  • Business Science: Economics, Accounting, Business, Law etc.
  • Social Science: Geography, History, Religion, Psychology etc.
Exam boards

Interview Prep 面試課程
Course Features
  • Prepare students for entering into prestigious schools
  • Drilling interview skills
  • Mastering interview skills, analyzing interview modus and requirements of assessment
  • With the help of the course, our students successfully enter into the following schools:
  • Westminster School, Sevenoaks School, Charterhouse School, Tonbridge School, Harrow School, St. Swithun' s School, Badminton School, Cheltenham Ladies' College, St. Paul' s School, Warwick School, City of London Freemen' s School, Eton College, Concord College, Dulwich College, Epsom College etc.
Suitable for
  • Students who intend to enter into UK independent schools (Year 7-12)
  • Students who intend to enter into international schools
A* Instructors
  • Experienced instructors are graduated from prestigious schools in UK, America, Australia, etc.
  • Instructors grasp the tips and techniques of CEE. They are rich in teaching experiences.
  • Helps master exam skills and techniques through drilling past papers
Course Schedule
  • Academic Term: Mon-Fri 16.30-19.00, Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Summer Term: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Pls contact 852-2735 7268 or 9478 5000 to check for schedule
Course Outline
  • Mock interview training
  • Mastering interview tips and skills
  • Improving interview writing techniques
  • Providing guidelines on wording and content of self-introduction

UKiset Prep UKiset 課程
Course Features
  • Prepare students for entering into prestigious schools
  • Drilling UKiset exam questions
  • With the help of the course, our students successfully enter into the following schools:
  • Westminster School, Sevenoaks School, Charterhouse School, Tonbridge School, Harrow School, St. Swithun' s School, Badminton School, Cheltenham Ladies' College, St. Paul' s School, Warwick School, City of London Freemen' s School, Eton College, Concord College, Dulwich College, Epsom College etc.
Suitable for
  • Students who intend to enter into UK independent schools (Year 7-12)
A* Instructors
  • Experienced instructors are graduated from prestigious schools in UK, America, Australia, etc.
  • Instructors grasp the tips and techniques of CEE. They are rich in teaching experiences.
  • Helps master exam skills and techniques through drilling past papers
Course Schedule
  • Academic Term: Mon-Fri 16.30-19.00, Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Summer Term: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Pls contact 852-2735 7268 or 9478 5000 to check for schedule
Course Outline
  • Drilling past paper questions
  • Mastering exam tips and techniques
  • Analyzing exam-type questions & answers
您或會感興趣的課程/ 服務:
    課程 :
        適合海外生 考試課程
        適合本地生 常規課程
    服務 :
        英國名校 升學權威
        親身體驗 名校升學