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  Professional Teachers 資深導師

* Our professional team is made up of teachers from top universities, i.e., LSE, Oxford, Cambridge, NYU etc. The below teacher background is for reference. We endeavor to arrange teachers to designated classes, but under unforeseen circumstances we reserve the right to alter arrangements. Students are welcome to request for 1-to-1 arrangements. Our teachers are from:

University of Oxford 牛津大學 (UK) University College London UCL 倫敦大學學院 (UK)
University of Cambridge 劍橋大學 (UK) Imperial College London 倫敦帝國學院 (UK)
London School of Economics LSE 倫敦經濟學院 (UK) University of Hong Kong HKU 香港大學 (HK)
King’s College London KCL 倫敦大學國王學院 (UK) University of Bristol 布里斯托大學 (UK)
New York University NYU 紐約大學 (US) Sydney University 悉尼大學 (Aus)
Chicago University 芝加哥大學 (US) University of Nottingham 諾丁漢大學 (UK)
Chinese University of Hong Kong CU 中文大學 (HK) St. Andrew’s University 聖安德魯大學 (UK)
Hong Kong University of Science&Technology HKUST (HK) Cornell University 康奈爾大學(US)



Covering English as Additional Language EAL, ESL, Verbal Reasoning, Non-verbal Reasoning etc.

Topics inc. Reading, Fact & Opinion, Presentation, Argument, Collating, Cross-References, Language, Structural & Presentational Devices, Types of Non-Fiction, Types of Media
Poetry (Sound, Imagery, Purpose, Tone, Attitude, Comparisons, Narrative, Responding)
Writing, Accurate Spelling, Appropriate Punctuation, Sentence Structures, Using Paragraphs, Work Presentation, Vocabulary & Stylistic Features, Exploration, Entertainment, Imagination, Description, Explanation, Arguments, Persuasion, Analysis, Review, Comments, Instructions

Ms. Chan possesses a Masters MPhil degree in Finance from the University of Cambridge (UK), and a Bachelors BSc degree in Financial Economics from the University of St. Andews (UK). She has taught in the centre for over 5 years. Born in the UK and brought up in Belgium, Ms. Chan is fluent in the languages of English, French, Dutch and German; and is qualified in various Teaching Specialist Certificates including Teaching Business English, Teaching English to Young Learners, Teaching English One-to-One, TEFL Course etc. Previously Ms. Chan had worked as a civil servant at the Finance and Strategy Department in Belgium. Ms. Chan focuses in teaching the academic subjects of English, Maths, Economics and Accounting.

Ms. Williams, a Native English Teacher (NET) From Australia, is a graduate in Bachelor of Education and a valid holder of Advanced TESOL Diploma & International English Teachers License. She has taught in the centre for over 2 years. Ms. Williams has over 8 years of experience working with children. Initially she worked in childcare and as a boarding house parent. In the past 2 years, as an English Language teacher, she had taught English to different ages of children, from Kindergarten to IELTS, TOEFL and SAT. Previously for 7 years Ms. Williams actively participated in the BMX Championships. And was nominated as the "Best Poet" in the International Society of Poets "Outstanding Achievement in Poetry" Award.

IB Diploma Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Mr. Keung is a graduate in BSc Philosophy at the London School of Economics and Political Science LSE, University of London (UK). His major is in 17th century Philosophy of Science. He has over 10 years of practical experience in prepping students with common entrance exams, I/GCSE, A-level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U syllabus etc. Mr. Keung also has a high success rate with SSAT, SAT and ACT students. He is very familiar with top independent boarding schools and top universities entry requirement. Mr. Keung is experienced in school & university interviews, cv review, personal statements and critical thinking skills, IB Diploma Theory of Knowledge TOK and Extended Essay Dissertation Writing. Mr. Keung also tutors final year students disseration at university level.


  Small Classes 小班教學

Small Class Teaching - 3 students per class.

To ensure that every student get the best result through interactive learning, our class sizes are small and remained no more than 3 students per class. Other than that, students can choose "1-on-1 teaching". The English course will be tailor-made for individual student. Students are free to choose the suitable topics and the teaching materials will be edited by native tutors. A series of targeted training are conducted through face-to-face interaction. Course contents include: ● English Writing: Sentence structure, organization of writing, formal and informal letters, report and proposal writing, persuasive writing, etc. ● English oral: Pronunciation, discussion, reporting and presentation, persuading, debate, public speech, the differences between English speaking and writing. ● English exam preparation: IELTS or other English tests, focusing on exam skills, time management and allocation, and a mock exam.● General English: Pronunciation, grammar, writing, academic English, conversation, reading comprehension, creative writing, professional writing, etc.

小組教學 每班3人

每班的人數最多為3人,以確保每位學生透過互動學習得到最佳成果。透過互動性的主題研習活動,從而發展更大的創作空間。學生另可選"1對1教學" 為個別學生而度身訂造的英語課程。學生可自由選擇合適的課題,由外籍導師編定教材。透過面對面的互動學習,進行一系列的針對性訓練。課程內容包括:● 英語寫作:句子結構、寫作組織、正規及非正規書信、撰寫報告及建議書、遊說式寫作等。 ● 英語會話:發音、討論、滙報及介紹、遊說、辯論、公開演講、英語會話及寫作的差異等。● 英語考試準備:IELTS或其他英文測試;針對考試技巧及重點、時間管理及分配等,並設有模擬考試。● 通用英語:發音、文法及應用、寫作、學術英語、會話、閱讀理解、創意寫作、專業寫作等。

  Top Sets 資優跳級班

Unlock student potential - Skip a grade to sit for Cambridge Examinations! Our Flyers course level is similar to that of KET (the Primary level of Main Suite). For this reason we recommend senior primary students, who have successfully completed Flyers, to skip KET and join our PET course. Through this step students converge towards the Main Suite directly.

啟發潛能 跳級應考劍橋英語考試。Flyers 程度與劍橋主流英語認證(Main Suite)的初級-KET相約,故我們建議高小學生成功考取 Flyers後無須攻讀KET而又可合資格可跳級升讀初中程度的PET,直接銜接Main Suite劍橋國際英語認證。

  Progress Reports 定期學習報告

Master students’ learning progress through regular report. Completing the course requires about nine months. There will be a learning progress report issued in the end of every semester. Tutors will assess students’ performance in each lesson. The assessment includes students’ English reading, writing and speaking capabilities. Tutors will also give a general comments and recommendations to students. According to the learning progress reports, parents can effectively grasp the students' learning progress. It also helps parents to make a decision on early examinations.


  Cambridge Certificates 劍橋證書

Attain internationally recognized qualification to prepare for future education. Prestigious school places are limited. Generally, parents believe that having an English certificate will help in school places allocation and interviews. As a result, the age of candidates for Cambridge tests are tending downwards. Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) is organized and designed by Cambridge Exam Board. It is an internationally recognized qualification which can effectively assess candidates’ capabilities in English listening, oral, reading and writing. It is highly recognized internationally. The fifteen shields on Cambridge YLE certificate is the highest possible score. YLE is carefully designed. The results can accurately reflect students' English capabilities. It can also help parents plan their children's future education direction. As this test emphasize whether students’ English capabilities can meet international standards, it is highly valued by Hong Kong students.

Once students go through the Movers level in June, three months later, they can complete the third level of YLE Flyers exam in September. Students can apply for their applied secondary schools with the Cambridge Certificate. The Cambridge certificate will help in Secondary School Places Allocation and attaining an interview. Since the abolition of the Primary School Aptitude Test, YLE is an indicator to assess students' English ability. From Primary 5, students have to submit their results to the Department of Education. In Primary Six, they will have systematic assessment. Many secondary school use YLE as an indicator to assess students’ English level. Students with outstanding performance in YLE even gain prior admissions to some of the secondary schools. Because of its wide recognition by the major institutions, it is useful for further education. Each year over 55 countries and hundreds of thousands of students attend YLE in order to obtain the corresponding English qualifications.

Cambridge YLE Tests also prepare students to apply for other English exams organized by the Cambridge Exam Board, including Ket English Test (KET), Preliminary English Test (PET), First Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). Other than Hong Kong, children in Singapore, Europe and other non-English-speaking have attended as well. Many foreign famous schools use the score as admission criteria. YLE can be a stepping stone to children who are ready to go abroad for further studies. They may even be exempted from certain English Entrance Exams. The results of Cambridge Tests correspond to Common European Framework (CEF). It is a language assessment standard in Europe. It will be useful for children who would like to go Europe for further studies

考獲國際認可資格 為升學作好準備。 現今名校學位緊張,劍橋試考生趨向年幼,家長都希望升小面試有張英語證書傍身。 劍橋英語考試由英國劍橋大學ESOL考試局籌辦及設計,是國際認可的資格,有效評估考生在英語聆聽、會話、閱讀及寫作四方面的能力是否達到國際水平,是認受性極高的國際英語考試。CYL Starters, Movers, Flyers劍橋試評分以「盾」作單位,3份試卷各佔5盾,共15盾為滿分。


劍橋大學考試局所舉辦之高級英語考試亦為中學生作準備,當中包括廣受認可的Ket English Test (KET), Preliminary English Test (PET), First Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE),由英國最大考試機構劍橋大學考試局(Cambridge ESOL)頒發英語水平測試證書。除香港之外,新加坡、歐洲等非以英語為母語的學生都有參加。不少外國著名學府以CPE的成績作入學準則,劍橋英語測試可說是孩子準備往海外升學的踏腳石,有機會憑證書獲豁免英文入學試。劍橋試更能對應「歐洲語言教學與測試標準」Common European Framework,即CEF的成績。CEF是歐洲的語言評核標準,方便日後在歐洲升學。

  Program Structure 教學大綱

UK Education Association (UKEA) Teaching Elements:

In order to tackle schools examinations and enhance students’ writing capabilities, we specially design Creative Writing & Grammar Strengthening (CWGS) courses for students. Grammar Strengthening aims at improving children’s English grammar level. And Creative Writing allows students to apply what they have learned to English writing, thus improving their writing skills. In combination with our Intellectual Debate & Public Speaking (IDPS) course, via different subject debate and group discussions, it helps strengthen students’ English oral capacity.The teaching elements of our English courses are based on Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) and Main Suite teaching elements.

為應付學校考試和提高學生英文寫作,我們特設Creative Writing & Grammar Strengthening (CWGS),Grammar Strengthening除集中操練英文語法文法,更設Creative Writing 將學生所學的英語文法應用於寫作上,提高英文寫作能力。再配合我們的 Intellectual Debate & Public Speaking (IDPS),通過辯論主題鼓勵學生寫作,並且經常練習學生小組英語討論,加強英語口試應對能力。 本會提供的英語課程之教學大綱皆以劍橋小學英語考試Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE)及劍橋國際英語認證Main Suite的教學元素為本。

Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) Teaching Elements:

YLE ‘s themes are acquired from real life situations. It is effective in assessing candidates’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. It is a widely recognized international English test. The different levels of testing not only allows students to obtain the certificate step by step, students are also able to enhance English capacity through comprehensive learning and practicing during the exam preparation process. The exam scope of YLE is very similar to that of primary school’s English courses, but slightly different in paper mode. The YLE mode is repetitive and with more practice students often gained excellent results. YLE emphasizes learning vocabularies, familiarizing sentence mode. The Cambridge YLE course includes 3 levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers. Starters is the first level, suitable for children aged 5 or above. The second level is Movers, suitable for children aged between 8 - 11. And the highest level is Flyers, suitable for children aged between 9 - 12.

YLE以現實生活為題材,有效評估考生在英語聆聽、會話、閱讀及寫作四方面的能力,是認受性極高的國際英語考試。不同程度的測試不但可讓學生按部就班地考取證書,在預備考試的過程中,學生更可透過全面的學習和操練,有效地逐步提升英語水平。 YLE 考試範圍與小學英文課程非常相似,只是試卷模式略有不同,而且YLE模式固定,多練習大大提高英文獲取理想分數。YLE 模式較著重操練,主要學生字和串字,熟讀句子模式發言,減少出錯。YLE適合5歲至12歲小朋友。考試分三級,平均來說,第一級starters,適合5歲或以上;第二級Movers,適合8-11歲;第三級Flyers,適合9-12歲。

Main Suite Teaching Elements:

During the exam preparation process, students are able to practice and enhance their English capacity. It is the mission of Main Suite. Main Suite emphasize on assessing candidates’ capabilities in English listening, oral, reading and writing. The exam’s content includes sociability, tourism, education and the usage of English in the workplace. If learners see the exam’s content as their target to learn English, they are able to enhance their English skills needed in real life. Even if they choose not to participate in the exam after the study preparation, they will not lose their practiced English skills.

Main Suite劍橋國際英語認證的使命,在於協助學習者在準備認證考試的過程中,鍛鍊真正使用英文的能力。聽、說、讀、寫皆在包含在Main Suite 劍橋主流英語認證測驗項目之中,測驗內容則包括社交、旅遊、就學及職場中所需之實用英語。學習者若能以Main Suite 劍橋主流英語認證的測驗項目為目標來學習英文,便能紮實地培養實際生活中所需要的各類英語技能,即使在研讀準備之後選擇不參加認證考試,都無法抹煞已經純熟的英語能力!

  Teaching Methods 教學方法

Diverse teaching methods makes lesson interesting. Via YLE, students are able to strengthen all aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability and skills. It enables students to master English in the systematic context. Each child has a different need. One cannot stick to one rigid teaching method and apply to all students. For this reason our class sizes are small and remained no more than 3 students per class. This way our teachers get to spend more time on each and every of our student. And in return, students get more time to interact with our teachers, raise questions and opinions throughout whole course of the lesson.

多樣化課堂模式 教學生動有趣"英文文法是死的,教學方法是生的" 透過YLE及Main Suite,全面貫通學生的聽說讀寫各方面的能力和技巧,讓學生在具系統化的豐富語境中,有效地掌握英語。啟有每個小朋友在學習上有不同的需要,不應只用一種規限的呆板方式教育所有學生,故我們堅持小班教學因材施教,讓導師花更多時間針對性教導學生,啟發學生英語潛能,讓小朋友能夠在輕鬆愉快的學習環境下有效吸收並靈活學習。 為誘發學生對學習的興趣,導師透過豐富多彩的圖畫及教材增加學生對學習英語的樂趣,因應教材配合適量練習,並善用多樣化的課堂模式,配合視象教材,令學習英語變得生動有趣。以活潑有趣的教學方式,教導學生現實生活中常用的英語,讓學生體驗學習及運用外語的樂趣。 每班最多三人,優良師生比例一比三,課堂以全英語援課,配合接近現實情境的主題練習英語會話,提高英語聆聽及表達能力。經外藉英文導師積極鼓勵學生學習英語下,大大增加學生多發言多發問的黃金機會。導師提供一個持續性的多元化及全面的英語課程及學習環境,學生將會在聽、讀、講、寫等四個方面建立鞏固的基礎及建立英語運用的自信心。

  Teaching Materials 課程教材

Teaching materials are carefully selected to prepare for exams. Aimed at fully preparing students to sit for YLE, the course has the following features:- Comprehensive teaching of the four core skills, including listening, speaking, reading and writing, and the unique strategy to cope with YLE - Repetitive mock exam format exercises - Grammar and vocabulary application in relation to exam

嚴選教材 為考試作好準備, 全面為應考劍橋英語考試的學生作好準備,課程具備以下特點:- 全面講授聽、講、讀和寫四大核心技巧及應付劍橋英語考試的獨特策略
- 習作與真正考試形式相近 - 練習與考試有關的文法和詞彙