9478 5000   

* 嚴正聲明 *


我們的香港辦事處是"唯一" 認可處理中心,處理學生事宜。 如接獲可疑來電或電郵,請聯絡我們核實身份。

  香港 總辦事處


Tel : (852) 2735 7268
Fax : (852) 3005 8460
(852) 9478 5000
UKEA 英國教育協會
UKEA 英國教育協會
Email : information@ukea.org
地 址: 尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號
鄰 近: 誠品尖沙咀店樓上
交 通: 港鐵尖沙咀站 L6出口
Address : 1625A, 16/F Middle Block, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Office Hr: Mon-Fri 10am -5pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm
  * Appointment Only *
  * 必須預約 *

  亞洲/新加坡 聯絡中心

新加坡內部支援亞洲聯絡中心, 專責亞洲辦事處

聯絡人:Ms. Wong

電 郵 : asia@ukea.org

  英國倫敦 支援中心

英國倫敦內部支援處理中心, 專責支援香港總辦事處

聯絡人:Ms. Stephanie Grant

電 郵 : stephanie.grant@ukea.org/ london@ukea.org

UKEA, dedicated to providing a Prestigious World-Class Education
About us:

UKEA (UK Education Association) is the leading global education specialist for ambitious students looking to further both their personal and professional development. UKEA specialises in consultaing students to successfully enter into prestigious independent schools and top universities. UKEA is enlisted in the British Council Agents List. We work with various independent boarding schools, colleges and universities. Our products include School Consultation, University Consultation, Summer School, Overseas Language Courses etc. We are constantly seeking for quality partner schools and long-term cooperations.

With extensive networks in the field of elitist educational institutions, UKEA works closely with and assists top school principals to recruit “interesting students with wide interests”. We offer parents advice and assistance on all aspects of education and their specific entry requirements. With our professionalism and experience, UKEA delivers creative education services that exceed expectations. Our good reputation is accredited by satisfied parents, who recommend UKEA as the best choice for every high-flying child.

Our Mission:

UKEA specialises in consulting students to successfully enter into prestigious independent schools and top universities.

Our Background:

UKEA is enlisted in the British Council Agents List. We specialize in placing the right pupils with the rights schools. UKEA is also recognized, accredited and highly recommended by numerous Top Schools and Leading Universities in the excellent academic world. Welcome to contact us for our accreditation and recommendations.

Our Professional Services:

UKEA aims to achieve this mission, our extensive service range provides:
- Top Schools Education Consultation
- Leading Universities Education Consultation
- Prestigious Schools Summer Experience

Our Academic Partners:

UKEA is proud to work with every boarding school, university and academic institution. We are very critical and selective about our represented schools, in order to maintain our prestigious image and trustworthy reputation. We warmly welcome you to contact us about your requirements. We offer our academic partners a comprehensive range of professional services:

  • Admissions Strategy - Innovative recruitment admissions of high-achievers
  • Connections - Branches in China linked through one centered contact in Hong Kong
  • Advertising Strategy - Cost-effective promotions with clear objectives and winning tactics
  • Marketing Strategy - Plan and implement specific branding specific to school aims
  • Knowledgeable staff - in the educational field of the UK and Hong Kong/ China
  • Experienced British and bilingual Chinese staff - support translation and interpreting services